Our Association


The Feline Control Council of Western Australia Inc was formed in 1968, when existing Cat Clubs in Western Australia decided to merge and form one association. The newly formed Council became a "Breed Society" within the Royal Agricultural Society of WA. It remained under the patronage of the RAS until 1988. At that time it was decided that the FCCWA Inc. should become an independent Body and take charge of its own affairs.

At the 2014 AGM, it was decided that FCCWA would adopt the name CatsWA as its trading or operating name. With the introduction of the Western Australian cat laws, and a much more regulated environment about cats, it was an opportune time to move away from the word “Control”, and rebadge ourselves to clearly separate our organisation from those functions that are enforcing cat laws. Feline Control Council of Western Australia (Inc) remains the official registered name of the organisation.

Today CatsWA owns an office in Kenwick where volunteers process registration and pedigree data, and deal with the day to day running of our association. There are many clubs affiliated with CatsWA as well as qualified cat Judges and Stewards.

CatsWA members own various pedigree cats and kittens from traditional, older breeds such as the Persian and the British Shorthair to new Breeds such as the Burmilla and the Selkirk Rex. We also register desexed domestic cats. Many of our members have joined us initially showing pet cats, and it is a fun way to get started.

If you would like to know more about CatsWA, cats shows, owning a pedigreed cat or kitten or breeding pedigreed cats, please don't hesitate to contact our office by phone or email

CatsWA is a member of the Australian Cat Federation (ACF) www.acf.asn.au
The ACF has member registration bodies from all states in Australia, and in turn is a member of the World Cat Congress.

Executive Officers


Carole Galli
(08) 9455 1481

Jan Sterry & Kay Woods

Jan Sterry

Kay Woods

Sally Hunt Cat


Carole Galli - Sally Hunt - Tonya Kerns (ex officio) - Rosemary Mulcahy - Jo Nolan - Julie Pickens
Lee-anne Pitman-Pryde - Marlene Stanley - Jan Sterry - Kay Woods


Carole Galli & Jo Nolan

CatsWA Registrar - Jo Nolan

Titles - Tonia Kerns & Judy Kluzniak

Membership Officer - Tonia Kerns



Sub-Committees Convenors

Treasurer - Kay Woods

Judges' Training Panel - Betty Payne, Carole Galli, Lee-anne Pitman-Pryde

Experimental Breeding Committee - Betty Payne &  Sue Game

Stewards' Training - Nick Skeet

Social Committee - All councillors

Cat of the Year Points - Lee-anne Pitman-Pryde

Cat Call Editor - Jo Nolan

Website Editor - Jo Nolan

Current Stewards

Kirsty Connell

Debra Copeland

Kathy Dossel

Carole Galli

Sue Game

Lynn Moorman

Rosemary Mulcahy

Julie Pickens

Nick Skeet

Jan Sterry

Kay Woods


* All CatsWA Judges are approved Stewards *



Russian Blue


Affiliated Clubs

Maine Coon Cat Club WA
Sec. Jan Sterry
Tel: 0408 536 839

Oriental Shorthair Cat Club
Sec. Susan Game
Tel: 0409 082 395

Siamese & Oriental Cat Club of WA
Sec. Debra Copeland
Tel: 0405 044 843


Russian Blue


FCCWA Constitution


Code of Conduct for FCCWA Members


Code of Conduct for Governing Council


Current Scale of Fees and Charges


CatsWA Grievance Policy

Available from the Secretary on application per phone or email at catswa01@gmail.com




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